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  1. Generic Terms

Generic Terms

1.1 Generic Terms

  • plist — Subset of ASCII Property List format written in XML, also know as XML plist format version 1. Uniform Type Identifier (UTI): Plists consist of plist objects, which are combined to form a hierarchical structure. Due to plist format not being well-defined, all the definitions of this document may only be applied after plist is considered valid by running plutil -lint. External references:, man plutil.
  • plist type — plist collections (plist array, plist dictionary, plist key) and primitives (plist string, plist data, plist date, plist boolean, plist integer, plist real).
  • plist object — definite realisation of plist type, which may be interpreted as value.
  • plist array — array-like collection, conforms to array. Consists of zero or more plist objects.
  • plist dictionary — map-like (associative array) collection, conforms to dict. Consists of zero or more plist keys.
  • plist key — contains one plist object going by the name of plist key, conforms to key. Consists of printable 7-bit ASCII characters.
  • plist string — printable 7-bit ASCII string, conforms to string.
  • plist data — base64-encoded blob, conforms to data.
  • plist date — ISO-8601 date, conforms to date, unsupported.
  • plist boolean — logical state object, which is either true (1) or false (0), conforms to true and false.
  • plist integer — possibly signed integer number in base 10, conforms to integer. Fits in 64-bit unsigned integer in two’s complement representation, unless a smaller signed or unsigned integral type is explicitly mentioned in specific plist object description.
  • plist real — floating point number, conforms to real, unsupported.
  • plist multidata — value cast to data by the implementation. Permits passing plist string, in which case the result is represented by a null-terminated sequence of bytes (C string), plist integer, in which case the result is represented by 32-bit little endian sequence of bytes in two’s complement representation, plist boolean, in which case the value is one byte: 01 for true and 00 for false, and plist data itself. All other types or larger integers invoke undefined behaviour.