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SMBIOS Properties

  1. BIOSVendor
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: BIOS Information (Type 0) - Vendor
    • Description: BIOS Vendor. All rules of SystemManufacturer do apply.
  2. BIOSVersion
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: BIOS Information (Type 0) - BIOS Version
    • Description: Firmware version. This value gets updated and takes part in update delivery configuration and macOS version compatibility. This value could look like MM71.88Z.0234.B00.1809171422 in older firmware and is described in BiosId.h. In newer firmware, it should look like or (iBridge: 16.16.2542.0.0,0). iBridge version is read from BridgeOSVersion variable, and is only present on macs with T2.
     Apple ROM Version
         BIOS ID:      MBP151.88Z.F000.B00.1811142212
         Model:        MBP151
         EFI Version:
         Built by: root@quinoa
         Date: Wed Nov 14 22:12:53 2018
         Revision: 220.230.16 (B&I)
         ROM Version:  F000_B00
         Build - **Type:** Official Build, RELEASE
         Compiler: Apple LLVM version 10.0.0 (clang-1000.2.42)
         UUID: E5D1475B-29FF-32BA-8552-682622BA42E1
         UUID: 151B0907-10F9-3271-87CD-4BF5DBECACF5
  3. BIOSReleaseDate
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: BIOS Information (Type 0) - BIOS Release Date
    • Description: Firmware release date. Similar to BIOSVersion. May look like 12/08/2017.
  4. SystemManufacturer
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: System Information (Type 1) - Manufacturer
    • Description: OEM manufacturer of the particular board. Use failsafe unless strictly required. Do not override to contain Apple Inc. on non-Apple hardware, as this confuses numerous services present in the operating system, such as firmware updates, eficheck, as well as kernel extensions developed in Acidanthera, such as Lilu and its plugins. In addition it will also make some operating systems such as Linux unbootable.
  5. SystemProductName
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: System Information (Type 1), Product Name
    • Description: Preferred Mac model used to mark the device as supported by the operating system. This value must be specified by any configuration for later automatic generation of the related values in this and other SMBIOS tables and related configuration parameters. If SystemProductName is not compatible with the target operating system, -no_compat_check boot argument may be used as an override.

    Note: If SystemProductName is unknown, and related fields are unspecified, default values should be assumed as being set to MacPro6,1 data. The list of known products can be found in AppleModels.

  6. SystemVersion
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: System Information (Type 1) - Version
    • Description: Product iteration version number. May look like 1.1.
  7. SystemSerialNumber
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: System Information (Type 1) - Serial Number
    • Description: Product serial number in defined format. Known formats are described in macserial.
  8. SystemUUID
    • Type: plist string, GUID
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: System Information (Type 1) - UUID
    • Description: A UUID is an identifier that is designed to be unique across both time and space. It requires no central registration process.
  9. SystemSKUNumber
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: System Information (Type 1) - SKU Number
    • Description: Mac Board ID (board-id). May look like Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94 or Mac-F221BEC8 in older models. Sometimes it can be just empty.
  10. SystemFamily
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: System Information (Type 1) - Family
    • Description: Family name. May look like iMac Pro.
  11. BoardManufacturer
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) - Manufacturer
    • Description: Board manufacturer. All rules of SystemManufacturer do apply.
  12. BoardProduct
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) - Product
    • Description: Mac Board ID (board-id). May look like Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94 or Mac-F221BEC8 in older models.
  13. BoardVersion
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) - Version
    • Description: Board version number. Varies, may match SystemProductName or SystemProductVersion.
  14. BoardSerialNumber
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) - Serial Number
    • Description: Board serial number in defined format. Known formats are described in macserial.
  15. BoardAssetTag
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) - Asset Tag
    • Description: Asset tag number. Varies, may be empty or Type2 - Board Asset Tag.
  16. BoardType
    • Type: plist integer
    • Failsafe: 0 (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) - Board Type
    • Description: Either 0xA (Motherboard (includes processor, memory, and I/O) or 0xB (Processor/Memory Module). Refer to Table 15 – Baseboard: Board Type for details.
  17. BoardLocationInChassis
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: Baseboard (or Module) Information (Type 2) - Location in Chassis
    • Description: Varies, may be empty or Part Component.
  18. ChassisManufacturer
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3) - Manufacturer
    • Description: Board manufacturer. All rules of SystemManufacturer do apply.
  19. ChassisType
    • Type: plist integer
    • Failsafe: 0 (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3) - Type
    • Description: Chassis type. Refer to Table 17 - System Enclosure or Chassis Types for details.
  20. ChassisVersion
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3) - Version
    • Description: Should match BoardProduct.
  21. ChassisSerialNumber
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3) - Version
    • Description: Should match SystemSerialNumber.
  22. ChassisAssetTag
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (OEM specified)
    • SMBIOS: System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3) - Asset Tag Number
    • Description: Chassis type name. Varies, could be empty or MacBook-Aluminum.
  23. PlatformFeature
    • Type: plist integer, 32-bit
    • Failsafe: 0xFFFFFFFF (OEM specified on Apple hardware, do not provide the table otherwise)
    • SMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE133 - PlatformFeature
    • Description: Platform features bitmask (Missing on older Macs). Refer to AppleFeatures.h for details.
  24. SmcVersion
    • Type: plist data, 16 bytes
    • Failsafe: All zero (OEM specified on Apple hardware, do not provide the table otherwise)
    • Description: ASCII string containing SMC version in upper case. Missing on T2 based Macs.
  25. FirmwareFeatures
    • Type: plist data, 8 bytes
    • Failsafe: 0 (OEM specified on Apple hardware, 0 otherwise)
    • SMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE128 - FirmwareFeatures and ExtendedFirmwareFeatures
    • Description: 64-bit firmware features bitmask. Refer to AppleFeatures.h for details. Lower 32 bits match FirmwareFeatures. Upper 64 bits match ExtendedFirmwareFeatures.
  26. FirmwareFeaturesMask
    • Type: plist data, 8 bytes
    • Failsafe: 0 (OEM specified on Apple hardware, 0 otherwise)
    • SMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE128 - FirmwareFeaturesMask and ExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask
    • Description: Supported bits of extended firmware features bitmask. Refer to AppleFeatures.h for details. Lower 32 bits match FirmwareFeaturesMask. Upper 64 bits match ExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask.
  27. ProcessorType
    • Type: plist integer, 16-bit
    • Failsafe: 0 (Automatic)
    • SMBIOS: APPLE_SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE131 - ProcessorType
    • Description: Combined of Processor Major and Minor types.

    Automatic value generation attempts to provide the most accurate value for the currently installed CPU. When this fails, please raise an issue and provide sysctl machdep.cpu and dmidecode output. For a full list of available values and their limitations (the value will only apply if the CPU core count matches), refer to the Apple SMBIOS definitions header here.