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  1. Arguments
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty
    • Description: Arbitrary ASCII string used as boot arguments (load options) of the specified entry.
  2. Auxiliary
    • Type: plist boolean
    • Failsafe: false
    • Description: Set to true to hide this entry when HideAuxiliary is also set to true. Press the Spacebar key to enter “Extended Mode” and display the entry when hidden.
  3. Comment
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty
    • Description: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide a human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.
  4. Enabled
    • Type: plist boolean
    • Failsafe: false
    • Description: Set to true activate this entry.
  5. Flavour
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Auto
    • Description: Specify the content flavour for this entry. See OC_ATTR_USE_FLAVOUR_ICON flag for documentation.
  6. FullNvramAccess
    • Type: plist boolean
    • Failsafe: false
    • Description: Disable OpenRuntime NVRAM protection during usage of a tool.

    This disables all of the NVRAM protections provided by OpenRuntime.efi, during the time a tool is in use. It should normally be avoided, but may be required for instance if a tool needs to access NVRAM directly without the redirections put in place by RequestBootVarRouting.

    Note: This option is only valid for Tools and cannot be specified for Entries (is always false).

  7. Name
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty
    • Description: Human readable entry name displayed in the OpenCore picker.
  8. Path
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty
    • Description: Entry location depending on entry type.

    • Entries specify external boot options, and therefore take device paths in the Path key. Care should be exercised as these values are not checked. Example: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x1)/.../\EFI\COOL.EFI
    • Tools specify internal boot options, which are part of the bootloader vault, and therefore take file paths relative to the OC/Tools directory. Example: OpenShell.efi.
  9. RealPath
    • Type: plist boolean
    • Failsafe: false
    • Description: Pass full path to the tool when launching.

    This should typically be disabled as passing the tool directory may be unsafe with tools that accidentally attempt to access files without checking their integrity. Reasons to enable this property may include cases where tools cannot work without external files or may need them for enhanced functionality such as memtest86 (for logging and configuration), or Shell (for automatic script execution).

    Note: This option is only valid for Tools and cannot be specified for Entries (is always true).

  10. TextMode
    • Type: plist boolean
    • Failsafe: false
    • Description: Run the entry in text mode instead of graphics mode. This setting may be beneficial for some older tools that require text output as all the tools are launched in graphics mode by default. Refer to the Output Properties section below for information on text modes.