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  1. Arch
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Any (Apply to any supported architecture)
    • Description: Kext architecture (i386, x86_64).
  2. BundlePath
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty
    • Description: Kext bundle path (e.g. System\Library\Extensions\IONetworkingFamily.kext).
  3. Comment
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty
    • Description: Arbitrary ASCII string used to provide human readable reference for the entry. Whether this value is used is implementation defined.
  4. Enabled
    • Type: plist boolean
    • Failsafe: false
    • Description: Set to true to load this kernel extension from the system volume when not present in the kernel cache.
  5. ExecutablePath
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty
    • Description: Kext executable path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/MacOS/IONetworkingFamily).
  6. Identifier
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty
    • Description: Kext identifier to perform presence checking before adding (e.g. Only drivers which identifiers are not be found in the cache will be added.
  7. MaxKernel
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty
    • Description: Adds kernel extension on specified macOS version or older.

    Note: Refer to the Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.

  8. MinKernel
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty
    • Description: Adds kernel extension on specified macOS version or newer.

    Note: Refer to the Add MaxKernel description for matching logic.

  9. PlistPath
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty
    • Description: Kext Info.plist path relative to bundle (e.g. Contents/Info.plist).