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DataHub Properties

  1. PlatformName
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (Not installed)
    • Description: Sets name in gEfiMiscSubClassGuid. The value found on Macs is platform in ASCII.
  2. SystemProductName
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (Not installed)
    • Description: Sets Model in gEfiMiscSubClassGuid. The value found on Macs is equal to SMBIOS SystemProductName in Unicode.
  3. SystemSerialNumber
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (Not installed)
    • Description: Sets SystemSerialNumber in gEfiMiscSubClassGuid. The value found on Macs is equal to SMBIOS SystemSerialNumber in Unicode.
  4. SystemUUID
    • Type: plist string, GUID
    • Failsafe: Empty (Not installed)
    • Description: Sets system-id in gEfiMiscSubClassGuid. The value found on Macs is equal to SMBIOS SystemUUID (with swapped byte order).
  5. BoardProduct
    • Type: plist string
    • Failsafe: Empty (Not installed)
    • Description: Sets board-id in gEfiMiscSubClassGuid. The value found on Macs is equal to SMBIOS BoardProduct in ASCII.
  6. BoardRevision
    • Type: plist data, 1 byte
    • Failsafe: 0
    • Description: Sets board-rev in gEfiMiscSubClassGuid. The value found on Macs seems to correspond to internal board revision (e.g. 01).
  7. StartupPowerEvents
    • Type: plist integer, 64-bit
    • Failsafe: 0
    • Description: Sets StartupPowerEvents in gEfiMiscSubClassGuid. The value found on Macs is power management state bitmask, normally 0. Known bits read by X86PlatformPlugin.kext:

    • 0x00000001 — Shutdown cause was a PWROK event (Same as GEN_PMCON_2 bit 0)
    • 0x00000002 — Shutdown cause was a SYS_PWROK event (Same as GEN_PMCON_2 bit 1)
    • 0x00000004 — Shutdown cause was a THRMTRIP# event (Same as GEN_PMCON_2 bit 3)
    • 0x00000008 — Rebooted due to a SYS_RESET# event (Same as GEN_PMCON_2 bit 4)
    • 0x00000010 — Power Failure (Same as GEN_PMCON_3 bit 1 PWR_FLR)
    • 0x00000020 — Loss of RTC Well Power (Same as GEN_PMCON_3 bit 2 RTC_PWR_STS)
    • 0x00000040 — General Reset Status (Same as GEN_PMCON_3 bit 9 GEN_RST_STS)
    • 0xffffff80 — SUS Well Power Loss (Same as GEN_PMCON_3 bit 14)
    • 0x00010000 — Wake cause was a ME Wake event (Same as PRSTS bit 0, ME_WAKE_STS)
    • 0x00020000 — Cold Reboot was ME Induced event (Same as PRSTS bit 1 ME_HRST_COLD_STS)
    • 0x00040000 — Warm Reboot was ME Induced event (Same as PRSTS bit 2 ME_HRST_WARM_STS)
    • 0x00080000 — Shutdown was ME Induced event (Same as PRSTS bit 3 ME_HOST_PWRDN)
    • 0x00100000 — Global reset ME Watchdog Timer event (Same as PRSTS bit 6)
    • 0x00200000 — Global reset PowerManagement Watchdog Timer event (Same as PRSTS bit 15)
  8. InitialTSC
    • Type: plist integer, 64-bit
    • Failsafe: 0
    • Description: Sets InitialTSC in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid. Sets initial TSC value, normally 0.
  9. FSBFrequency
    • Type: plist integer, 64-bit
    • Failsafe: 0 (Automatic)
    • Description: Sets FSBFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid.

    Sets CPU FSB frequency. This value equals to CPU nominal frequency divided by CPU maximum bus ratio and is specified in Hz. Refer to MSR_NEHALEM_PLATFORM_INFO (CEh) MSR value to determine maximum bus ratio on modern Intel CPUs.

    Note: This value is not used on Skylake and newer but is still provided to follow suit.

  10. ARTFrequency
    • Type: plist integer, 64-bit
    • Failsafe: 0 (Automatic)
    • Description: Sets ARTFrequency in gEfiProcessorSubClassGuid.

    This value contains CPU ART frequency, also known as crystal clock frequency. Its existence is exclusive to the Skylake generation and newer. The value is specified in Hz, and is normally 24 MHz for the client Intel segment, 25 MHz for the server Intel segment, and 19.2 MHz for Intel Atom CPUs. macOS till 10.15 inclusive assumes 24 MHz by default. Note: On Intel Skylake X ART frequency may be a little less (approx. 0.25%) than 24 or 25 MHz due to special EMI-reduction circuit as described in Acidanthera Bugtracker.

  11. DevicePathsSupported
    • Type: plist integer, 32-bit
    • Failsafe: 0 (Not installed)
    • Description: Sets DevicePathsSupported in gEfiMiscSubClassGuid. Must be set to 1 for AppleACPIPlatform.kext to append SATA device paths to Boot#### and efi-boot-device-data variables. Set to 1 on all modern Macs.
  12. SmcRevision
    • Type: plist data, 6 bytes
    • Failsafe: Empty (Not installed)
    • Description: Sets REV in gEfiMiscSubClassGuid. Custom property read by VirtualSMC or FakeSMC to generate SMC REV key.
  13. SmcBranch
    • Type: plist data, 8 bytes
    • Failsafe: Empty (Not installed)
    • Description: Sets RBr in gEfiMiscSubClassGuid. Custom property read by VirtualSMC or FakeSMC to generate SMC RBr key.
  14. SmcPlatform
    • Type: plist data, 8 bytes
    • Failsafe: Empty (Not installed)
    • Description: Sets RPlt in gEfiMiscSubClassGuid. Custom property read by VirtualSMC or FakeSMC to generate SMC RPlt key.