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This document provides information on the format of the OpenCore user configuration file used to set up the correct functioning of the macOS operating system. It is to be read as the official clarification of expected OpenCore behaviour. All deviations, if found in published OpenCore releases, shall be considered to be documentation or implementation issues which should be reported via the Acidanthera Bugtracker. An errata sheet is available in OpenCorePkg repository.

This document is structured as a specification and is not meant to provide a step-by-step guide to configuring an end-user Board Support Package (BSP). The intended audience of the document is anticipated to be programmers and engineers with a basic understanding of macOS internals and UEFI functionality. For these reasons, this document is available exclusively in English, and all other sources or translations of this document are unofficial and may contain errors.

Third-party articles, utilities, books, and similar, may be more useful for a wider audience as they could provide guide-like material. However, they are subject to their authors’ preferences, misinterpretations of this document, and unavoidable obsolescence. In cases of using such sources, such as Dortania’s OpenCore Install Guide and related material, please refer back to this document on every decision made and re-evaluate potential implications.

Please note that regardless of the sources used, users are required to fully understand every OpenCore configuration option, and the principles behind them, before posting issues to the Acidanthera Bugtracker. Note: Creating this document would not have been possible without the invaluable contributions from other people: Andrey1970, Goldfish64, dakanji, PMheart, and several others, with the full list available in OpenCorePkg history.

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